Welcome to the IAEA

Welcome to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)! Your first pre-conference assignment is to respond to the following question in the comments using information from both the background guide and your own research. In the past decade, global use of nuclear energy has been on the decline, with many countries opting to phase out orContinue reading “Welcome to the IAEA”

The Social Determinants of Health

Reflect on the importance of social determinants of health. To what extent is improving conditions of living essential to improving global health? Are some health issues completely unrelated to conditions of living? Are people with higher conditions of living less vulnerable to health issues? To what extent does one’s lifestyle and daily habits impact one’sContinue reading “The Social Determinants of Health”

Welcome to the United Nations Environment Programme!

The international community largely agrees on the need to solve food insecurity (especially considering the rise of climate change), yet it does not agree on how to solve it. What international action has been taken on the issue of food security? How have they worked, and have they been effective in all cases? What domesticContinue reading “Welcome to the United Nations Environment Programme!”

Discussion Question: Education Reform

It is generally accepted that education is a good thing. Much of the debate in committee will consist not of whether or not it should be improved, but rather of how it should be improved. Pretend that you are the Minister of Education (or equivalent position) for your country. What would you say is theContinue reading “Discussion Question: Education Reform”

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